Level 1: 57868 IP's, Level 2: 9284 Allocations, Level 3: 180 ASN's. Last Updated: 18.01.2025 01:18 CET Realtime Outbreakmonitor |
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Suggestions for Marketing Company's Easy advice, follow these 10 Rules and you will definitively not get blacklisted by us or our Members: 1. DO NOT HARVEST email addresses on the web. 2. DO NOT BUY EMAIL ADDRESSES from anyone. 3. DO NOT SELL EMAIL ADDRESSES to anyone. 4. DO NOT TRY to relay email on hosts that the owner has not granted you signed written permission allowing you to do so. 5. If you are running a mailing list, be sure that users who would like to subscribe have to CONFIRM-OPT-IN 6. AUTOMATICALLY UNSUBSCRIBE EMAIL ADDRESSES that have a failure (e.g. 550) when your server tries to deliver. 7. DO NOT THINK it is acceptable to send OPT-OUT MAILS. OPT-OUT is ILLEGAL in many countries and becoming the global standard. 8. If you need to send the same email to more than 1 Recipient DO NOT put all the recipients in TO or CC, be professional and use BCC instead or ‘crack’ the list so each recipient receives his/her own individual email. 9. If you have a dynamic / dialup account (Modem, ISDN, CABLE or DSL) use your ISP’s email server as a smarthost. 10. DO NOT think SPAMMING is a business - It has no future. |